July 10, 2024 | Other Activities
The Head of the Statistics of Metro Municipality, along with a senior statistician, visited the Dharma Wacana Metro campus on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. The visit aimed to discuss potential collaborations between the Statistics of Metro Municipality and Dharma Wacana Campus.
Arum Purbowati, Head of the Statistics of Metro Municipality, explained that they are currently doing Kelurahan Cantik program. This program involves coaching at the village/sub-district level, aiming to enhance human resources in statistical activities and literacy. Presently, four sub-districts are participating in the Kelurahan Cantik program: Mulyojati, Tejosari, Tejoagung, and Hadimulyo Timur. The Statistics of Metro Municipality is interested in involving students as representatives from academia in the coaching activities for Kelurahan Cantik.
Responding to this proposal, Usep Saprudin, the Deputy Chair of STMIK Dharmawacana, expressed great enthusiasm for the collaboration plan. He mentioned that STMIK is currently planning a Community Service Program (PPKM) as a form of student service to the community. The PPKM activities are scheduled to involve 38 STMIK students in Sumbersari Sub-District. If necessary, the PPKM activities could be integrated with Kelurahan Cantik, expanding the initial focus from Sumbersari Sub-District to include the four sub-districts under the Kelurahan Cantik program.
This collaboration will be formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Statistics of Metro Municipality and STMIK Dharma Wacana. Additionally, there will be further scheduling for the Statistics of Metro Municipality to conduct training for the students before they visit the sub-districts, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Metro (Statistics of Metro City)Jl. AR Prawiranegara Metro Lampung
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Email: bps1872@bps.go.id
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