TELAH RILIS! Publikasi Hasil Pencacahan Lengkap Sensus Pertanian Tahap II : Usaha Pertanian Perorangan (UTP) Subsektor Pertanian Kota Metro, Unduh disini
Metro Municipality Inflation on June 2024 : 0.09 percent (m-t-m); 0.64 percent (y-t-d); "Download BRS here"
December 1, 2024 | Other Activities
Auction is one of the important mechanisms in the management of state assets carried out by the State Wealth and Auction Service Office (KPKNL). The sale of state goods or assets through auctions not only supports the increase in state revenue, but also reflects the principles of transparency and accountability. The official who conducted the auction was Meyzard Ahmad as the First Expert Auctioneer from KPKNL Metro. The selling official was attended by Ade Fitriansyah as the head of the Metro subdivision. attending the auction sale at KPKNL Metro aims to:
a.Fulfillment of Government Duties and Functions The government is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the auction is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. By attending the auction process, the executor can directly monitor the course of activities so that it is in line with the principles of good governance. Auction sales are part of the management of state assets involving various stakeholders, including relevant officials in ministries/institutions.
b.Optimization of State Asset Utilization The sale of goods through auctions is a solution for optimizing state assets that are no longer used by ministries/institutions. The auction process at KPKNL Metro is one of the government's efforts to avoid the accumulation of unproductive assets and ensure that state assets can be utilized economically.
c.Monitoring and Evaluation of the Auction Process The presence of officials in this activity aims to ensure that the auction procedures are carried out properly.