TELAH RILIS! Publikasi Hasil Pencacahan Lengkap Sensus Pertanian Tahap II : Usaha Pertanian Perorangan (UTP) Subsektor Pertanian Kota Metro, Unduh disini
Metro Municipality Inflation on June 2024 : 0.09 percent (m-t-m); 0.64 percent (y-t-d); "Download BRS here"
BPS Metro City conducts Live Interview with Statistic Corner Agent of Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
December 4, 2024 | BPS Activities
In an effort to improve data literacy and statistics among students, the Metro City Statistics Agency (BPS) held a direct interview for prospective agents of the statistical corner of Muhammadiyah Metro University on December 4, 2024. This activity was attended by the Head of BPS Metro City, Arum Purbowati, and the BPS Metro statistics corner team.
This rigorous interview aims to attract potential students who have interest and ability in statistics. The selected agents will play an active role in promoting the importance of data and statistics and helping the public understand relevant statistical information.
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Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Metro (Statistics of Metro City)Jl. AR Prawiranegara Metro Lampung