Coordination Meeting of Regional Government Officials January 2025 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Coordination Meeting of Regional Government Officials January 2025

Coordination Meeting of Regional Government Officials January 2025

January 7, 2025 | Other Activities

Metro, January 7, 2025 – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Metro City participated in the Coordination Meeting of Regional Government Officials of Metro City held on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. The event was conducted in a hybrid format, with in-person attendance at the Metro City Government Hall and online participation via the "Zoom Cloud Meetings" application.


The meeting began at 08:30 AM and was led by the Secretary of Metro City, Bangkit Haryo Utomo. The event was attended by several regional officials, including the Head of BPS Metro City, Mrs. Arum Purbowati, who provided input on the importance of statistical data in supporting the planning and evaluation of regional government programs.


In his opening remarks, Secretary Bangkit Haryo Utomo emphasized the importance of inter-agency coordination to ensure that government programs are effective. "This meeting aims to synergize the steps of the regional government with various institutions, including BPS, to create data- and fact-based policies," said the Secretary.


BPS Kota Metro plays a crucial role in the collection and analysis of statistical data as a basis for decision-making. BPS Kota Metro is ready to support regional government programs through accurate and reliable data, contributing to the development of Metro City.


The meeting was interactive, with participants attending both in person and virtually providing input. The agenda discussed various strategic issues, such as priority development programs for Metro City in 2025, improving public services, and efforts to control inflation and ensure food security.


Through this forum, it is hoped that all parties involved can align their work programs to support the achievement of Metro City's vision as a progressive, safe, and prosperous city. The meeting concluded with a mutual agreement to strengthen inter-agency synergy in 2025.


This activity serves as a strategic starting point for the regional government in facing future development challenges, with BPS's role as a data provider being the main foundation for policy-making.
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