October 5, 2023 | Other Activities
To support the Kelurahan Cantik program in Metro City, University of Lampung (Unila) through its community service program, organized mentoring and discussions as part of the Companion for the Kelurahan Cantik of Metro City in 2023 at the BPS Office of Metro City on October 5, 2023.
This meeting was directly attended by statistical agents from the selected kelurahan, namely Rejomulyo Village and Yosodadi Village, along with the village heads from each kelurahan, and five members of the community service team from Unila as the mentoring team for the Kelurahan Cantik program in Metro City.
The purpose of this mentoring is to provide statistical literacy to the kelurahan in processing data up to presenting data so that it is easily understood in the form of infographics. Due to limited time, there will be follow-up meetings via Zoom and the placement of internship students in December to ensure the continuity of the mentoring for the Kelurahan Cantik program in the two kelurahan of Metro City, as conveyed by Dr. Ahmad Faisol, S.Si., M.Sc, the secretary of the FMIPA Mathematics department at Unila.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Metro (Statistics of Metro City)Jl. AR Prawiranegara Metro Lampung
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