Head of BPS Metro Municipality Attends Metro Municipality's Year-End Reflection - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Head of BPS Metro Municipality Attends Metro Municipality's Year-End Reflection

Head of BPS Metro Municipality Attends Metro Municipality's Year-End Reflection

December 29, 2023 | Other Activities

The last working day at the end of 2023, Wintarti Dyah Indriani, SE attended the "2023 Year-End Reflection" event held by the Metro City Government.

Also present were Fokopimda elements, Council Members, vertical Agencies / Services, Academics, mass media, Traditional and Religious Leaders, Sub-District Heads, Village Heads and community organizations.

This very important activity was held at the Great Sessat Building Bumi Sai Wawai Metro City, Friday (29/12).

The activity was held as a form of accountability and transparency of the performance of the Metro City Government to the community, during the period of one year, for the implementation of the vision and mission of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Metro.

Performance Evaluation is measured in three aspects, namely aspects of community welfare, aspects of public services, and aspects of regional competitiveness.

Specifically for the performance assessment of the public welfare aspect, various BPS data indicators including HDI, GRDP, per capita income, inflation, gini ratio, open unemployment rate, poverty rate show better performance for the Metro City Government.

On this occasion, the Mayor of Metro and the Head of Bapeda appreciated the performance of BPS Metro City.

Metro Mayor Dr. Wahdi, Sp.OG (K), MH said that this activity is a form of transparency of the implementation of Metro City development delivered to the community so that sustainable improvements can be made in the future.
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