July 1, 2024 | BPS Activities
The Annual Micro and Small Industry Survey (VIMK24) aims to collect and present detailed and up-to-date data on micro and small-scale businesses/companies according to the first two digits of the Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification (KBLI) at the national and provincial levels.
For the VIMK24 Annual Survey, 17,723 census blocks were selected, with a sample size of 95,668 businesses/companies. There are 23 regencies not included in the VIMK24 Annual sample target. In Metro City, the sample includes 39 census blocks, with 14 field enumerators (PCL) and 4 field supervisors (PML) from the Statistics of Metro Municipality. The listing activity is scheduled from July 1 to July 26, 2024, and the sample data collection from August 1 to August 24, 2024.
Before fieldwork begins, both PCLs and PMLs participate in training/briefing to understand the survey's concepts and definitions. Since many of the officers have experience from previous IMK surveys, the briefing was held for one day only, on Friday, June 28, 2024, in the meeting room of the Statistics of Metro Municipality.
During the briefing, the Head of the Statistics of Metro Municipality, Mrs. Arum Purbowati, provided guidance. She highlighted that the Manufacturing Industry, the largest contributor to GDP (18.67 percent share), experienced a value-added growth of 4.64 percent. It is hoped that the results of this data collection will accurately capture the state of the industry in Metro City and serve as a data source for the compilation of Metro City's Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB).
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Metro (Statistics of Metro City)Jl. AR Prawiranegara Metro Lampung
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Email: bps1872@bps.go.id
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