July 24, 2024 | Other Activities
On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the Head of the Statistics of Metro
Municipality, along with the team of functional statisticians, met with Mr.
Yeri Hewan, Assistant II for Economy and Development of Metro City, in his
office. They were accompanied by Robby Kurniawan, Head of the Public Works and
Spatial Planning Service (PUTR), and Yulia Candra Sari, Head of the Economic
Section. This meeting was a form of collaboration between the Statistics of
Metro Municipality and the Metro City government for city development planning.
During the audience, the Assistant II conveyed several messages from the
Mayor regarding the absence of incentive funds for the inflation control team
in several cities, including Metro City. Arum Purbowati, Head of the Statistics
of Metro Municipality, along with Ade Fitriansyah, the team leader responsible
for recording inflation in Metro City, explained the differences between the
Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the IPH calculated by the regencies other than
the CPI cities. The CPI cities, like Metro, calculate inflation with a
commodity package of 271 items, whereas the IPH only monitors 21 commodities
under the Ministry of Home Affairs through the trade offices of the regencies.
Through Assistant II, the Metro City government hopes that the strategic
data released by the Statistics of Metro Municipality, used as performance
indicators for the Metro City government, can be obtained before the end of
March each year.
On this occasion, Assistant II expressed the hope that coordination would continue
and assured that the Metro City government is ready to support the Statistics
of Metro Municipality in any activities that require the city's backing.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Metro (Statistics of Metro City)Jl. AR Prawiranegara Metro Lampung
Telp (62-725) 41758
Email: bps1872@bps.go.id
Fax (0725) 7850853