Celebrating National Statistics Day 2024: Recognition for Kota Metro's Statistical Enthusiasts - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Celebrating National Statistics Day 2024: Recognition for Kota Metro's Statistical Enthusiasts

Celebrating National Statistics Day 2024: Recognition for Kota Metro's Statistical Enthusiasts

September 17, 2024 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Kota Metro celebrated National Statistics Day (HSN) 2024 at the Kota Metro Government Hall. With the theme "Reaching for a Golden Indonesia through Quality Statistics: Synergy in the Implementation of the National Statistical System," the event emphasized the importance of statistics in regional and national development. It also served as a significant moment to raise public awareness about the importance of quality data in the development process.

During the event, BPS Kota Metro presented the β€œStatistics Award 2024” to the following recipients:

πŸ† Cooperative Regional Government Organizations (OPD) in EPSS 2024: Health Department and Education & Culture Department
πŸ† Best OPD in Submitting Romantik: Food Security, Agriculture, and Fisheries Department
πŸ† Best OPD in Submitting Metadata: Environmental Department
πŸ† Most Active Statistical Enthusiast: Tejosari Village
πŸ† Best Statistical Agent: Epi Sulistyawati
πŸ† Best Respondent in the Business Category: PD. Mawaddah Umulyatama
πŸ† Best Mira: Septi Anggraini
πŸ† Kelurahan Cantik Contributor: STMIK Dharmawacana PKPM Student Team

In her speech, the Head of BPS Kota Metro, Mrs. Arum Purbowati, emphasized that every National Statistics Day is an opportunity to recognize the importance of statistics in development. "Every September 26, we celebrate National Statistics Day, not as the anniversary of the Central Bureau of Statistics, but as a day to acknowledge the importance of data as a driving force for regional development," she said.

Mr. Ir. Yeri Ikhwan, MT, Assistant II of the Kota Metro Government, representing the Mayor at the event, expressed his appreciation to all award recipients and stated that synergy between the government and BPS is crucial to ensure that data-driven policies can continue to drive inclusive and sustainable regional development.

Also present at the event was a representative from the Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Dr. Eko Susanto, M.Pd., Kons., who highlighted the critical role of statistics in various sectors, ranging from education, health, and MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) development to environmental management. Statistical data helps local governments design more targeted policies, such as programs to improve educational facilities, health management, MSME empowerment, and better environmental preservation.

With the spirit of synergy, BPS Kota Metro invites all elements of society to support One Data Indonesia, to create quality data that benefits sustainable development. This National Statistics Day serves as a reminder of the vital role data plays in daily life and in achieving the vision of a Golden Indonesia by 2045.






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