Quarterly VIMK Officer Training in Metro Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Quarterly VIMK Officer Training in Metro Municipality

Quarterly VIMK Officer Training in Metro Municipality

October 7, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Metro Municipality organized training for Quarterly VIMK Officers (Micro and Small Industry Survey) at the BPS Metro Municipality Hall on October 7.

The quarterly VIMK survey is a routine data collection activity conducted every three months by BPS on micro and small industrial (IMK) businesses within its sample. Its purpose is to monitor the progress of IMK businesses, study business activity trends from quarter to quarter, and meet the data needs for measuring business growth among IMK enterprises.

The training was attended by participants, including statistical field assistants and BPS Metro Municipality employees as field supervisors and examiners. This one-day training aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of survey methodology, data collection techniques, and the software needed for data gathering. The significance of the VIMK survey lies in its role in obtaining accurate information on the state of micro and small industries in Metro Municipality.

The training material was delivered by an experienced instructor from BPS Metro Municipality, who explained various technical aspects of the survey process, from conducting surveys to data processing. Participants were also given the opportunity to discuss and share field survey experiences.

Following the training, officers are expected to immediately apply their knowledge during the survey period from October 8 to October 18, 2024. This training serves as an initial step in enhancing officers' capabilities to meet data collection challenges in the digital era. Through this program, BPS Metro Municipality is committed to continuously improving the quality of statistical services to better support development programs that benefit the community.

The quarterly VIMK survey is a routine data collection activity conducted every three months by BPS on micro and small industrial (IMK) businesses within its sample. Its purpose is to monitor the progress of IMK businesses, study business activity trends from quarter to quarter, and meet the data needs for measuring business growth among IMK enterprises.

The training was attended by participants, including statistical field assistants and BPS Metro Municipality employees as field supervisors and examiners. This one-day training aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of survey methodology, data collection techniques, and the software needed for data gathering. The significance of the VIMK survey lies in its role in obtaining accurate information on the state of micro and small industries in Metro Municipality.

The training material was delivered by an experienced instructor from BPS Metro Municipality, who explained various technical aspects of the survey process, from conducting surveys to data processing. Participants were also given the opportunity to discuss and share field survey experiences.

Following the training, officers are expected to immediately apply their knowledge during the survey period from October 8 to October 18, 2024. This training serves as an initial step in enhancing officers' capabilities to meet data collection challenges in the digital era. Through this program, BPS Metro Municipality is committed to continuously improving the quality of statistical services to better support development programs that benefit the community.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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