Implementation of Functional Competency Test at the Central Bureau of Statistics of Lampung Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Implementation of Functional Competency Test at the Central Bureau of Statistics of Lampung Province

Implementation of Functional Competency Test at the Central Bureau of Statistics of Lampung Province

December 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Bandar Lampung, December 5, 2024 - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Bandar Lampung Province held a functional competency test on Thursday, December 5, 2024. This activity was attended by participants from various districts / cities throughout Lampung Province. The event started at 07.30 WIB at the BPS office in Bandar Lampung Province.
This competency test aims to measure and develop the abilities and skills of employees in carrying out their functional duties in the field of statistics. Participants consisting of state civil apparatus (ASN) from various regions in Lampung took the test with enthusiasm and fervor.
The activity began with remarks from the Head of BPS Bandar Lampung Province, who explained the importance of functional competency tests in improving the quality of human resources, especially in facing the challenges of data development and information technology.
All participants are expected to be able to take the exam well, to be able to meet the established competency standards and be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their respective work environments.
This event is expected to strengthen the capacity of BPS throughout Lampung Province in presenting accurate and reliable data, and supporting the achievement of national development goals.
This functional competency test went smoothly and is expected to be a positive step in improving the quality of statistical data services in Lampung Province.
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