Processing of Agricultural Statistics (SP) Palawija Data at BPS Metro City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Processing of Agricultural Statistics (SP) Palawija Data at BPS Metro City

Processing of Agricultural Statistics (SP) Palawija Data at BPS Metro City

December 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Metro City routinely carries out the data entry process of the Agricultural Statistics (SP) document for the secondary crop sector. The data entered includes the area of secondary crops, such as corn, soybeans, peanuts, cassava, sweet potatoes, sorghum, wheat, taro, ganyong, and other tubers, which are important indicators to monitor the condition of the area of agricultural crops in Metro City.

The SP Palawija data collection is the result of cooperation between BPS and the Ministry of Agriculture. Field data is collected by the Sub-district Agricultural Extension Coordinator, who is tasked with recording the planting area of secondary crops in their area at the beginning of each month. The data entry process is carried out by BPS with a deadline of the 20th of each month. BPS always ensures the completeness and accuracy of the data collected, if there are data anomalies then BPS officers will confirm with the Agricultural Extension Coordinator.

The results of this data processing are very important to support agricultural policy planning, including farmer assistance programs, agricultural technology development, and improvement of the agricultural product distribution system. This data is also the basis for strengthening food security in Metro City and providing sustainable benefits for the agricultural sector.

With close collaboration between BPS and the Ministry of Agriculture, it is expected that the results of the data on the area of secondary crops can help improve agricultural productivity and the welfare of farmers in Metro City optimally.

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