Kelurahan Cantik Development and Data Dissemination in Metro City at the End of 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Kelurahan Cantik Development and Data Dissemination in Metro City at the End of 2024

Kelurahan Cantik Development and Data Dissemination in Metro City at the End of 2024

November 25, 2024 | Other Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Metro City held a Kelurahan Cantik Development and Data Dissemination activity on Monday, November 25, 2024 at the Metro City BPS Meeting Room. The event which took place from 09.00 to 16.00 WIB was led directly by the Head of BPS Metro City, Arum Purbowati, SST. This activity aims to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Kelurahan Cantik (Kelurahan Cinta Statistik) program in various villages, as well as provide guidance related to the presentation of quality and innovative data.

The main agenda of this coaching activity includes monitoring and evaluating statistical activities in the village, presenting data on the Smart Village-based village website, preparing village publications, such as Monographs, Village Profiles, and Villages in Figures, and presenting data in the form of infographics. This activity also emphasized the importance of presenting data in digital format, which is more easily accessible through the Smart Village website. In addition, village agents were also given training on creating infographics using free applications, such as Canva, to increase the visual appeal of statistical data.

With this activity, it is hoped that all urban villages in Metro City can produce publications and infographics that are not only informative but also easily accessible to the public, to support data transparency and regional development programs.

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