Metro City Human Development Index (HDI) 2024: Towards Sustainable Progress - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Metro City Human Development Index (HDI) 2024: Towards Sustainable Progress

Metro City Human Development Index (HDI) 2024: Towards Sustainable Progress

December 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Metro City, Lampung, continues to show progress in social and economic development. Based on the latest data, Metro City's Human Development Index (HDI) in 2024 has increased significantly compared to previous years. The HDI, which describes people's quality of life, includes three main dimensions: health, education, and decent standard of living.

In 2024, Metro City recorded an HDI of 80.41, growing by 0.70 percent compared to the previous year. This increase was driven by several factors, including programs to improve the quality of education and better access to health services. The Metro City Government through various programs such as health infrastructure development and improving the quality of basic to higher education, is committed to continuing to reduce inequality and improve the lives of its citizens.

This achievement is also influenced by the success in managing an increasingly inclusive regional economy, as well as development policies that favor low-income communities. Going forward, the city government will continue to focus on empowering the local economy, improving the quality of education, and providing more equitable health services to ensure the achievement of sustainable development goals. With the improving HDI growth, Metro City is optimistic to achieve more rapid progress in various sectors.
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