Meeting to Update the 2020-2035 Population Development Grand Design (GDPK) Indicators - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Meeting to Update the 2020-2035 Population Development Grand Design (GDPK) Indicators

Meeting to Update the 2020-2035 Population Development Grand Design (GDPK) Indicators

December 6, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday, December 6, 2024, Metro City Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) attended the 5-Pillar GDPK Indicator Updating Meeting, which was held at the Metro City Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning (PPPAPPKB) Hall. This meeting aims to update population development indicators as part of Metro City's Population Development Grand Design (GDPK) for the 2020-2035 period. The 5-Pillar GDPK implementation strategy consists of Population Quantity Control, Population Quality Improvement, Family Development and Distribution Arrangement, Population Mobility Direction, and Population Administration Arrangement.

During the meeting, representatives from the Metro City Bappeda, Health Office, Population and Civil Registration Office, Education and Culture Office, Communication and Information Office, Manpower and Transmigration Office, Social Service Office, and Metro City Ministry of Religious Affairs Office were also present. Through the meeting, the Metro City government together with BPS and related agencies sought to ensure that the available population data was not only accurate but also relevant to support strategic planning. Through the synergy of population data between BPS and sectoral data from related agencies, it is expected to support the development of Metro City that is regionally based and population oriented.

With the updating of GDPK indicators, Metro City is expected to be able to optimize data-based development planning, in order to improve the quality of life of the community and achieve sustainable development goals.

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