Knowledge Sharing on Data Visualization with Metabase - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Knowledge Sharing on Data Visualization with Metabase

Knowledge Sharing on Data Visualization with Metabase

December 13, 2024 | Other Activities

On Friday, 13 December 2024, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Lampung Province held a knowledge sharing on data visualization with Metabase”. This activity aims to improve the ability of employees to utilize Metabase as an effective and efficient data visualization tool.

The event was attended by employees from all Regency / City BPS in Lampung Province, who were enthusiastic to learn how to process data into visualizations that are interesting and easy to understand. In the session, participants were given training on Metabase features, such as data entry, interactive dashboard creation, and techniques for presenting data in an informative manner.

The presenters also shared real-life examples of using Metabase using existing strategic indicators. In addition, interactive discussions and hands-on simulations made participants better understand how to utilize Metabase to answer data analysis needs in their work environment.

With this activity, it is expected that BPS employees in Lampung Province will become more proficient in utilizing technology to support their duties. This initiative is also in line with BPS' commitment to continuously improve the quality of data services and encourage data utilization as the basis for development planning.
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