Signing of the Integrity Pact by BPS Kota Metro Employees - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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Signing of the Integrity Pact by BPS Kota Metro Employees

Signing of the Integrity Pact by BPS Kota Metro Employees

January 8, 2025 | Other Activities

Metro City, January 8, 2025 – All employees of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Metro City today participated in the signing of the Integrity Pact as a commitment to uphold the values of integrity, transparency, and accountability in the workplace.


The event, which took place from 08:00 AM until completion, was held at the PST BPS Kota Metro. This activity was attended by all employees, from the head of BPS Kota Metro to the operational staff, who collectively signed the Integrity Pact document.


With the Integrity Pact in place, it is hoped that all BPS Kota Metro employees will be more disciplined, honest, and responsible in carrying out their duties. The Integrity Pact is a formal commitment made by employees to adhere to ethical values, integrity, and professionalism in their work. This pact contains moral and ethical principles that employees must uphold, such as honesty, exemplary behavior, openness, and dedication to providing the best service to the community. By adhering to the Integrity Pact, it is expected that a more professional and quality work environment will be created, thereby increasing public trust in the services provided by BPS Kota Metro.


Additionally, the Integrity Pact can serve as a tool to enforce discipline and address ethical or integrity violations committed by employees. With appropriate oversight and legal enforcement mechanisms in place, employees will be more mindful of their actions and more cautious in performing their duties in accordance with the values outlined in the Integrity Pact.


Thus, it is hoped that the signing of the Integrity Pact by BPS Kota Metro employees will bring about positive changes in work culture and service to all data users. May this step inspire all government agencies to continue upholding integrity in public service.
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