Number of Cattle and Buffaloes in Metro Municipality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

TELAH RILIS! Publikasi Hasil Pencacahan Lengkap Sensus Pertanian Tahap II : Usaha Pertanian Perorangan (UTP) Subsektor Pertanian Kota Metro, Unduh disini

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Number of Cattle and Buffaloes in Metro Municipality

Number of Cattle and Buffaloes in Metro Municipality

January 23, 2025 | Other Activities

In Metro Municipality, there are recorded to be 4,039 cows and 100 buffaloes, bringing the total to 4,139 animals.


Cows are known as a primary source of meat and milk, which are rich in protein and calcium. Meanwhile, buffaloes are often utilized as working animals in rural areas.


Did you know, #DataFriends? Cows cannot see the color red. They are dichromatic animals, which means they can only see two color variations.


This infographic was created by Arnetta Najwa Dita, a student from PKPM Universitas Darmawacana, as part of her contribution to BPS Metro Municipality.

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