April 1, 2024 | Other Activities
In order to accelerate Satu Data
Indonesia (SDI), Statistics of Metro Municipality collaborated with the Government
of Metro Municipality facilitated by the Metro Municipality SDI Forum. The form
of collaboration is by organizing coaching for the submission of statistical
recommendations (romantik) with a coaching target of 41 OPDs.
The coaching activities were
carried out in stages divided into 5 sessions, the activities were carried out
since March 25 and ended on April 1, 2024 at the Metro Municipality Bappeda
Hall. Each meeting was attended by 5-10 OPDs according to the schedule,
participants were made limited so that the delivery of material was more
optimal. The expected output of the activity is that each OPD as a data
producer can make a romantic submission independently through online for each
sectoral statistical activity organized by the OPD.
Accompanied by the supporting
walidata and government walidata of Metro Municipality and the Secretary of the
Metro Municipality Bappeda Office, Mrs. Ika, the sectoral statistical coaching
activities carried out during the month of Ramadan can run smoothly.
As of today, there have been 11
romantic submissions from data producers on the web
https://romantik.web.bps.go.id/ and 2 submissions have been issued
recommendation letters by BPS Metro Municipality. Hopefully by the end of
April, all data producers can report existing sectoral statistical activities
to BPS as the Data Supervisor. Success for the acceleration of SDI Metro
Municipality in 2024.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Metro (Statistics of Metro City)Jl. AR Prawiranegara Metro Lampung
Telp (62-725) 41758
Email: bps1872@bps.go.id
Fax (0725) 7850853